Wednesday, August 31, 2011

PodcampAZ 2011 Needs Speakers!

PodcampAZ says: WE NEED SPEAKERS! Nominate at

One of the reasons we love PodcampAZ so much is the endless supply of information. We also realize that the term “media” is growing up, and always expanding. No one rolls their eyes at using Facebook anymore to promote, because everyone links to Facebook! Many companies and freelancers make social media success less of a guessing game and more of a science, but there are many mediums within the realm that are getting less attention than they should.

Right now you’re thinking “Yeah! I want to hear more about ______!” So how do we geeks, let alone anyone who isn’t on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Foursquare, learn about all of these new or under-represented technologies? How do they merge their existing skills with new ideas and make life even more awesome than it all ready is?

They ask you, and your friends. We all use a form of media in some way, or you wouldn’t be reading this now. And we bet you know someone who uses it in an innovative way that we all want to know about. They might not even realize there’s a place to share what they know. So help us get all of these questions answered all in one weekend at PodcampAZ 2011 on November 12-13.

Nominate yourself, your work buddy, Twitter or Facebook friend, or even your sister to help out. Each speaker will receive our undying gratitude, an audience eager to learn and a chance to learn from other successful, charming people just like them.

Imkilo says: And I'll be speaking at this years PodcampAZ on the subject of "How to listen to podcasts" which I plan to not be so much a "presentation" as a "I'll ask everyone who walks in what thier current setup is, and tell them how they can listen to podcasts for free, then write it on the board as I go along".

With the election yesterday, I wondered if we couldn't get someone who was active in the whole petitions and campaign signs area, the whole "non-technical" idea spreading part of things. If you know someone like that, you might nominate them for a talk, it could be real interesting for the rest of us.